What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Montrose Orchard

On Friday, some friends of ours from Church stopped by the house to see if any of our kids wanted to go to an apple orchard nearby. All the kids were very excited to go anywhere new and without their parents. Kemiah was sleeping and I would obviously be keeping the baby but I was also torn because I wanted to go too. As Kevin pointed out, I wanted to take pictures. Our friends said one of them had a camera and would take pictures for me, so I felt better just letting the kids go. Silly me. It was quiet and Kevin didn't have any helpers for the work he was doing, but the kids really had a great time, as you can see. They picked out pumpkins from the pumpkin patch. They went on a hayride through the orchard. They enjoyed doughnuts and apple cider. They brought home carmeled apples and a bag full of a variety of apples, as well as a gallon of apple cider! What a trip!

I can't tell what the two things are supposed to be, that the kids heads are sticking through, but the vampire in front is obviously an apple. So it was a fun trip for the kids and I really got to thinking... I need to do some more activities like that with my kids. I need to research and find things like this to do with my kids so we can learn things outside the home. I'm too much of a homebody so I need to stretch myself. Then again... anyway. They had a good time and I'll leave it at that. A great big thank you to our friends for taking them and indulging them in so much fun!


Jessie said...

i think the thing on the right is frankenstein... because of the bolts in his neck, but i don't know about the other one. what a fun day for the oldest 4! i would have been sad to miss it too. :)

Nick and Jesse Coleman said...

I love the pic of the kids with their heads through the truck thing. What a fun fall activity! A nice mug of warm apple cider sounds so good right about now :)