What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Marshmallow Friday

My visiting teacher came over last week and invited us to Marshmallow Friday. They have it at her house every other Friday - that's when she has three of her grandkids. My kids were so excited, almost as excited for this as they were for Trunk-or-Treating. I packed some warm clothes just in case and we headed to the north end of Saginaw yesterday. It was fun to be outdoors with the fire and woods and kids and Smores!

After the fun outside, we went inside to watch "The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown." My kids have never heard of that nor seen anything about that so they weren't even sure what it was about. For me, it brought back memories. Lucy really was mean, and it made me glad that we don't have TV. The kids enjoyed playing with the other kids and new toys and two cats. It was a fun evening and we may join them for more of these!

1 comment:

The Fredericks said...

we just did a bonfire too- don't you just LOVE this time of year?