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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Just when you think we had enough

EGGS! I know that's just what you wanted to hear about. We are getting an average of 20 eggs a day now. But every once in a while we are treated to finding a stash somewhere outside the chicken yard. Like today, Kevin found a nest with 11 eggs. So add that to our already collected 21 eggs for today and we now have an additional 32 eggs! Craziness! If you check out the two piles on the stove you can see which ones came from the coop, and which ones are the stashed nest eggs.

Here are the eggs that came from the coop. The eggs are a little bit different - shape, size, color - they came from different chickens.

Here are the eggs from a stash nest... Notice how they all look the same - they came from the same chicken.

Yes, that means our chickens are getting out of the yard. It's an every day job to go out in the morning (and sometimes throughout the day) to put the chicken (or chickens) back into the yard. Silly birds. I wonder what they will do if a dog ever catches one of them outside the yard... Do you think the others will figure out it's safer in the yard?


Becky said...

That's kind of cool. Our hens aren't laying well

Becky said...

That's kind of cool. Our hens aren't laying well

Becky said...

That's kind of cool. Our hens aren't laying well