What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The things you learn.

Tonight, Kevin brought out a 1000 piece African animal scene puzzle to work on with the kids. I took Harmonie into the library and played with her (chasing her, tickling her, surprising her, putting her on my back, etc.) until I couldn't do it anymore. Then we got out books. One book was about animals and I like to do the sounds so she can hear them. I decided I wanted her to hear what a real zebra sounds like, so we went to the computer. Domonique joined us and we had fun listening to all sorts of different animals. One of the clips we watched was about giraffes. We learned all sorts of new facts about them. I went into the dining room to see how the puzzle was coming along, and someone was actually talking about giraffes. Perfect opportunity to share some of the things I just learned! I asked, "Do you know how many vertebrae a giraffe has in it's neck?" Marissa immediately said, "The same as a human." Kevin said, "Look how long it is. You really think it only has 7?" I giggled and said, "Well, yes, it does!" Then I looked at Marissa and said, "How did you know that?" She looked at me and said, "I read it." Of course you did! She has read so much stuff - and that happened to be one of the things that stuck. I'm sure she could teach me all sorts of things, if I could just ask the right questions!

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