What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Beginning of School Year Pictures

I know I can't do this on the actual first day of school, because I'm not candid enough, nor am I good enough with the camera to get a great shot the first time. Anyway, I haven't taken pictures like this of my kids for some time so I thought we could do a pseudo first day of school pictures. Unfortunately, I don't really know what I'm doing and I don't have the proper equipment (or I just don't know how to use what I have to get good pictures...) so this is what I have.






Group shot.
Starting 6th grade.

3rd and Kindergarten

Not in school yet.
Maybe I'll try Joy School with Domonique.
Harmonie has the good life of just enjoying everything.

What a lovely bunch of kids I have. They are all so great in so many ways. Good luck to all of us with this new school program and lots of changes coming our way! Love you guys!


The Fredericks said...

how are they so OLD!!!!! thank heavens they stayed cute ;) good idea taking these--

erin said...

Such cute little faces! Happy start of the school year! :)