What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

She must hear this alot.

We were getting ready to head over to a friends house today, after lunch. Domonique was sort of tired so I asked if she wanted to take one of her blankets with her. She said she did and picked one out. I didn't want her to drag it on the ground so I asked her to leave it with me, and I would bring it out to the car. She dropped it, looked at me (maybe even used a finger for emphasis), and said, "You give it to me in the car. You understand?" Yes, I understand. It was just so funny that she wanted to make sure I understood what she expected me to do, because we ask all the kids that when we have asked them to do something. So, be careful what you say around your kids. Eventually they will throw it back at you - good or bad.

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