What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Domonique's desire.

Today, at the library, after story time, I was sitting with Harmonie when Domonique walked up to me. She pulled on a zipper on the backpack and said, "I want a fier." I looked at her and asked why. She simply said, "Because I want to suck on it." Of course, that's what you do with a pacifier. I was wondering why, after not having one for a couple weeks, she wanted one at the library. She never really did answer me, just that she wanted one. I finally talked her out of it, reminding her that she's big and doesn't need one. Strange, how the desire just stuck her to want it.

She has been doing great without it. She no longer takes naps in the afternoon because she won't go to sleep as quickly and ends up playing. Therefore, she's more tired at night and goes to sleep fairly easily at bed time without the fier. Good job little one!

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