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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Learning to crochet

The older kids and I sat down yesterday to start learning how to crochet. The hardest part is learning how to handle the yarn. It was a little scary how crazy Ben and Emily were about the difficulty of the learning process - perfectionists who thought they should be able to do it correctly the first time. I won't go into details because I can happily say they got the hang of it and did much better today. They are practicing chaining a long chain and then they pull it out and try again. They are all excited to actually make something but I told them they have to learn the basics first before they can just start with a project. Hopefully they'll see that I'm right as they get better and the project is actually fun to make because they know what they are doing. They were very excited to show their Dad how well they could chain.

Kemiah just wanted to be involved in the picture taking. She was being so silly, with her trusty baby, Logan.

"Mom, watch me!" Kemiah declared as she went over the edge of the couch after Logan.

What sweet children I have. We'll probably do some crocheting after lunch today! Maybe we'll move on to add some different stitches.


Jessie said...

wow. crocheting is hard! i love the concentration in the pics. :)

Shannon said...

You are such a rock star mom! When I start having children, I'm going to need your phone number on speed dial..... :) I still miss having you guys here!

J. Porters said...

I'll have to show this to Jamie. I've tried to teach her, but she has zero patience. Like you said she wants to be perfect at it right away. Maybe this will be a good summer project for her.