What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Children's Zoo

Yes, we made this trip back in April but I'm just now posting about it. In my defense, I tried posting before but it wouldn't let me add pictures - and what good is a post about a visit to the Zoo without pictures?! Anyway, here I am getting it done and I'm sure you will feel better, as I do. Of course, our Zoo is not like what you think of when you think ZOO. We don't have giraffes, elephants, rhinos, zebras, lions, tigers and bears. No, no. We have cows, llamas, goats, Clydesdale horses, miniature horses, emus, kangaroos, eagles, white wolves, some kind of monkey, alligator, penguins, peacocks, coy fish, ducks, and a sand pit where the kids can dig and play while looking for fake fossils. Oh, we also have a train and a merry-go-round that you can ride for free if you have a membership or you can pay a few dollars each time they want to ride. I'm thinking the membership would be good because we can save lots of money if we go more than 2 times during the year. Besides, the kids like petting the animals and feeding the horses. Even Xiomara (who was afraid of our little baby chicks when we first got them) was reaching out and touching the horse. The day we went was really perfect and we had a great time just walking around, seeing the animals and playing. And it was a free day so that was even better!

Ben checking out a llama. There were two, one black and one white, and they had really awful teeth. Apparently they haven't been to the dentist.

Emily trying to feed the horse some grass that is on the ground on our side of the fence.

Marissa was happy to pet a cow but none my other kids would. We saw lots of cows on the island but they didn't want to be touched so I guess she was really happy to finally touch one.

Xiomara's moment of bravery. She actually did it several times because I had a hard time getting a picture. Finally I got this one!

Kevin had a headache after our trip to the Castle Museum so he went home and kept Kemiah with him so she could take a nap. I just had these four kids.

Here are some of the animals. It was too cold so the alligator was in its indoor habitat.

Male peacock in the groundhog habitat.

Emu taking a rest. I thought it looked interesting with it's feet underneath it.

The two kangaroos just laying around.

The caged penguins not in their full habitat because the workers were cleaning it.

The kids in the sand pit. It was nice for me to just sit and watch them for a bit.

So that's it. Thanks for enjoying our trip. As I finished this up Kemiah was sitting on my lap and when she saw a picture of the kids all together she asked, "Where's me?" I just thought it was cute that she wondered why she wasn't in the picture.

1 comment:

Molly said...

Zoo trips like those are always my kids favorite! How fun!