What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Monday, May 31, 2010

His latest plan!

As I was preparing dinner tonight, Ben was talking with me. He had some pictures out that he had drawn in Dominica but didn't sell. So he starts talking to me about his new idea to have a shop full of his stuff to sell. We have talked about the different environment here - the kids can't just sell stuff on the side of the road like they did on the island - so he came up with the new idea. His shop would have his stuff for sale. He even went on to talk price. If it took him an hour to draw a picture, then it would cost $1! The smaller ones that take less time would cost less. He has even gotten into the movie making business. Well, he's working on his first script. He talked about making copies and so he's really thinking it through. My funny little business man. Do you know what he wants to buy with his money? A fishing pole.


Jessie said...

you're an idea man! good luck and have fun with your fishing pole (i am sure you can get it soon). :)

Taryn said...

He sounds a lot like his daddy....always thinking...always productive!