What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Love the view

I'm only missing the beach and sea of the island or the mountains of the last frontier, but really, it's pretty great. It's just different and different is looking good. The sun sets right in our backyard and we have 8 acres of farm land behind us so there are no obstructions to the sunset. I find myself running outside, camera in hand, to try and capture the beauty of it, just like I would in Dominica or Alaska. Of course, it's never quite the same as reality but I'll share it anyway.

I will some times catch myself glancing out the windows of the house to see if there is a wandering cow or moose. They don't have those things here and I'm sure, some day, I'll quit looking. I just laugh at myself - and Kevin will tell you he does that a lot (laugh at me, that is).

1 comment:

bryce and paige said...

so beautiful Jacquelle! Yes, you can find beauty anywhere you are, too fun.