What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Castle Museum

I really didn't take very many pictures. It is always hard, and a little disappointing when I try to take pictures inside with glass reflecting the flash back at me and not really being able to see what I'm taking a picture of because I want my kids in focus so nothing else is. Anyway, We had a good time walking around and the outside of the building was really neat.

They had several different exhibits - Barbie Doll through the years; model trains and logging history of Michigan in the basement; static room displays of olden day home stuff, beauty shop, doctor and dentist stuff; and other things. The main exhibit, which changes, was the American Soldier. We have been studying World War 1 and 2 so I thought it would be interesting for the kids to see it in another setting. The museum had huge photos from the different wars that we have fought in with captions to go along with them, from the Civil War to present day. It was certainly interesting to see the change in warfare, uniforms and equipment. I am really glad that we don't have the constant civil unrest as some other countries do.

That's all I took. Nothing exciting at all. How disappointing. Maybe we'll go again just so I can take pictures. Then again, how exciting are Barbie Dolls in cases and all that other stuff, if you're not really there to see it? So this will probably do.

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