What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What'd you do?

When my parents sent the kids Christmas present to Massachusetts, they included a bag of packing puff things that my kids like to build with. These things are made out of rice and will dissolve completely in water. When the kids lick them, they become sticky and they can do all sorts of stuff with them. Ben likes to build things - tanks, cannons, airplanes, boats, houses, etc. The girls figured out they could stick them to their bodies for even more fun. Marissa made some antennae and said she was an ant. Then she made rings and even a bracelet around her ankle. It was quite a sight to see them all decorated. Xiomara took hers off and so I just got a regular cute picture of her. I just thought I'd show off my creative crew!

I bet you didn't know you could have so much fun with packing peanuts?! Maybe you should get some and see what you can create!

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