What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sleepy Time

I just thought I'd share these cute pictures of my kiddos sleeping in their beds. They are so sweet. Every night I give kisses when they get into bed and Kemiah will say, "Mommy, lay down with me." I wish I could. I snuggle with her before I put her down for a nap during the day so I guess she wants more snuggling. Of course, all the kids would enjoy more of that, if given the chance.

I love how he covers his stuffed dogs with his Little One (a small blanket).


Sweet dreams.

She wears socks to bed because we are trying to break the finger sucking habit. It was hard the first couple nights but she is used to it and does really well now.

The last thumb sucker. She loves the warm, soft blanket and pulls a fuzzy from the yarn to hold while she sucks her thumb.

Here's a look at the girls all together. I just love the bed.

Poor guy, stuck in the corner all by himself, but in the same room. He still fits in the crib mattress, even though he'll be 8 years old soon.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

i love that crazy bed! did you guys make it?! i have never seen one like that! :) how fun!