What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The new look.

I have been talking about getting my hair cut since before we left the island. I'm used to getting it cut once a year, when I see my little sister. She does a great job and it's free! When we moved into our house in Michigan, my sister was ready to come visit and I was excited to see her, and get a hair cut. It didn't work out - our house was too small and we were busy getting settled in before Kevin started. Well, I finally just stopped in at Wal-Mart and got it cut. It felt so great! All those yucky ends were gone and when I washed it the first time, although it was weird because it was so short, it felt fantastic. Now I'll save lots of money on shampoo and conditioner because I don't have to use so much. So, here are the before and after pics.

My husband is a little crazy when he gets my camera in his hands. He'll just keep taking pictures. Usually it's of me coming at him to grab the camera but this time I was ready and started posing.

The only problem with the hair is that the new growth in the back is doing it's own little thing. I dare say it's now a bit naturally curly but none of the hair on top is going curly so it's a little weird to have the underneath stuff twisting and turning. Oh well. At least I don't have the tangly ends anymore.