What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Over a week late!

Happy Birthday Emily!

We really did celebrate her birthday on her birthday (8/25) so now I'll finally share it with you. Maybe you care, or maybe you don't but it helps me keep a history of our little family so you'll have to deal with it all.

Special pancakes with strawberry ice cream for breakfast.

Opening her card from Grammy and Gaffa at lunch and then talking to them during lunch.

Strawberry cake that she helped frost with strawberry frosting. She decorated it with two plastic ballerinas.

Getting ready to blow out the candles.

Didn't blow any out.

One side...

Then the other...

Then we get to the presents. She received a horse shoe tossing game (that we haven't set up yet), lots of books, sidewalk chalk, a book about corking (spool knitting), and the grand finally was a bike. A I quote, "That's what I wanted!" Kemiah was very excited as well and said, "That's my bike, momma?"

After all that excitement, we enjoyed the yummy cake with strawberry ice cream on the side. It was delicious!

Domonique was also there for the festivities, and she was awake, too. She was in her seat on the floor.

Here she is the next day with her new bike!

Before we adjusted the seat...

After we raised the seat up...

Thank you, Emily, for being you! We are so glad you are in our family and that you love us with all the love in your heart. I love your smile, laugh and shareable attitude. You are great!

1 comment:

Josh and Kelly said...

I love Emily and miss having her in my class!