What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Update on potty training...

So, tonight she POOPed in the potty! Hurray. She said she had to but when I put her on the toilet she said she couldn't go. I left her there to finish clearing the table. Then she called to me and said, "I poop in the potty." I went in and, sure enough, she had done the deed! Hooray! What a break through. I praised and sang and clapped my hands. She said, "Mommy, don't yell." Then she said, "Chocolate, Mommy." I ran to see if I had that one Hershey kiss left on the counter that I was saving for such an occasion as this. It was gone - Kevin ate it the other night. He also ate the other one that was in my room. Oh bother. Luckily I distracted her with 5 jellybeans! She was happy with that. Hopefully she now understands that pooping in the potty is not a scary thing and she'll do it all the time.

Another blessing is that she is keeping her diaper dry at night. I hope that lasts as well. I don't put a diaper on her for her naps and she stays dry so we are well on our way to being a diaper free house... for a little while anyway.

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