What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Only 5 days late!

Happy Birthday to my boy! He turned 8 and we had a great time celebrating. Balloons were handed out after breakfast - they were in my pocket but I forgot about them.

Breakfast was the normal pancakes with ice cream. His choice of ice cream was Cookies and Cream. I also had Vanilla just in case but it turned out yummy. (Of course.) We made buttermilk syrup, too, and that was a wonderful treat.

My parents drove up from Iowa to help us celebrate. They arrived Tuesday evening and we had a wonderful time playing with them. My younger sister and 4 of her children arrived Friday evening and I let them surprise all the kids. I thought it was a bonus birthday treat. (Thank you for making the effort to come out and celebrate with us.)

Ben wanted a jet cake so I did my best. I was just glad it tasted good. He decided to have the candles hanging out the back end of the jet and Kevin flew it into the living room so he could blow them out. It was fun to have some extra family around to share his special day.

Kevin did a great job with the presents. Ben's favorite was the Cub Scout uniform. He is so excited that he completed Tiger Cub and is already passing things off in the Wolf book. I just need to make sure I keep helping him so that he doesn't lose the desire.

It was a fun day and I'm so glad all my kids enjoy Taco Salad - I love it and so do they! That's what Ben picked for his birthday dinner and I was more than happy to make it.

Thanks, Bud, for being so great!


Jessie said...

happy birthday ben!!! looks like you had a great one! :)

Nick and Jesse Coleman said...

Happy Birthday to Ben! I hope he had a very special day!