What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The sun is shining!

It's amazing to me the difference the sunshine can make on my attitude and mood. I really had a yucky morning, and just cried. It was a combination of things that really don't amount to much but all I really wanted to do was go back to bed. Now, the sun is shining, I've had lunch and I'm feeling better. At least I'm not crying at everything. The good thing is that I know blessings are there, even if they are hard for me to see, and don't come the way I expect them. Maybe I'll take the kids outside to ride their bikes in the driveway - I can't pack them up to take them to the park. They'll love that and the outside air will be good for all of us.

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