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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I think I was misinformed.

Many years ago, I had three children in diapers. The oldest was 2 1/2 and the youngest was a newborn. I was still a relatively new mom, just with several little ones. Having never done the whole potty training thing, I wasn't sure what to do. We ended up with a book that really helped but basically said 2 years old was the time to start - as did many other sources. So I was late. Oh well. We got started and survived. And then we did it again and again. I have found, now working on #7, starting after 2 1/2 is better than starting at 2. Harmonie is now in this wonderful phase, being 2 2/3 years old, and is doing remarkably well. We have been at it for a little over two weeks and the last two days have been accident free, and she told me when she had to go #2! It is such a relief. Think of all the money we will save with just one kid in diapers! Way to go Harmonie!

1 comment:

Jessie said...

wow! 3 in diapers! you are a pro. i'm always impressed with you just existing, let alone taking care of and teaching and running and loving and playing and scolding and kissing ouchies away and POTTY TRAINING, goodness!