What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

I decided to start the morning off with some jack-o-lantern pancakes. I colored them orange(ish) and tried to make chocolate chip faces. That didn't work out as well as I wanted, so I just darkened some of the batter and made awesome, one-of-a-kind faces on each pancake. They were fun!

We spent most of the day doing school stuff. I did entice the kids with a movie at 2:00 in hopes that it would motivate them to get their work done. It sort of worked. My visiting teachers came and were a little disruptive - only because my kids love to visit with them as well, and they had goodies for the kids.

It has been rainy all day so I wasn't so sure about trick-or-treating. Well, let's be fair... We don't live on a street that is trick-or-treatable so I feel a little odd just driving to some other neighborhood to pick up candy from strangers just because of this odd holiday. I did find out that the Bridgeport Historical Society was sponsoring a Trunk-or-Treat near by but with the yucky weather we feared that it would be mobbed (they moved it indoors). Kevin ended up taking the kids, dressed in their "costumes", to the store to do some grocery shopping, and pick up their own candy - they each got to pick a bag. They also came home with two cans each of Kroger brand pop that the store was giving away to kids for Halloween! After the groceries were sorted and put away, we ate glazed popcorn while we watched The Emperor's New Groove and just enjoyed being at home together! What a wonderful way to spend Halloween! Maybe that will be our new tradition - at least until we live in a trick-or-treatable neighborhood!

I did think about taking pictures before they headed off on their adventure, so here they are in their costumes.

K - cowgirl

B - doctor

H - elephant

D - princess

M - cook

E - vampire

 X - princess

Their loot!

Movie time in costumes!

(This is actually their third time - but I didn't take pictures of the other events. Saturday was the ward party, Tuesday was the library party. Some kids are in the same costume, while others kept being something different. I guess that's the fun of dressing up. Ben was a doctor each time. Marissa was Dorothy from Wizard of Oz the first time, and a vampire the second time. Emily was Mulan the first two times. Xiomara was a vampire the first time , and a rock star the second time. Kemiah was a soldier the first two times. Domonique was Piglet the first two times. Harmonie was always a cute little elephant. Camdilyn didn't dress up, and neither did I.)