What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Going to the Beach

Memere wanted to go to Bay City to walk on the beach. The older kids had a MEAP test for school so when they were done we met up with the rest of the gang to head up north. It is a quick trip and the weather was beautiful. (I can't believe it's October!) We started at the visitor center and then headed out on the trail. We took some family pictures at the lagoon. We eventually made it to the beach of Saginaw Bay, which is off Lake Huron. Some of the kids took their shoes and socks off to walk in the sand. It was a fun trip.


Looking for a chipmunk.

Family picture!

Watching a swan work on her nest.

Stopping at a viewing deck

Me and my shadow... with the baby strapped to my belly.

When we got back to Saginaw, we had dinner at Olive Garden. It was a very nice meal and fun to have family with us.

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