What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Family Kickball game!

Ready?! Set?! KICK!

We had a great time playing together. The boys beat the girls but eventually we just worked on our skills instead of keeping score. The kids took turns kicking and running and fielding and pitching. We need to do this more often just because it's fun! Camdilyn watched from the swing and enjoyed having Domonique push her occasionally. Domonique didn't play with us at first because she was afraid but then I helped her and she had fun running around the bases. It was so cute! Harmonie was sleeping so she missed out but maybe next time.

I left both cameras outside on the kid's picnic table while we played, then forgot about them when I went inside. Unfortunately, it rained! Ack! We dried them out the best we could and they seemed to be working. I went to record Camdilyn crawling and walking but the camera wouldn't turn on. I had to plug it in and then it wouldn't shut off. We shall see what happens after the battery charges for a while but it may have to be plugged in to work and that will really limit what I can record. Total bummer!

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