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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What would you feed a chicken?

I had some old alfalfa sprouts in my fridge as well as a little bit of tuna fish salad. I thought, "Toss them out to the chickens and see what happens." I tossed the alfalfa first. They looked at it, smelled it, and one even pecked at it but they were not interested. Maybe I should have rinsed them off first. Then I tossed the little bit of tuna salad. It landed in a lump and they were all over it. Really! I'm so serious. They were fighting over the tuna fish - with mayo and celery. Who'd have thunk?

Of course, if you know my chickens maybe that all makes sense. I have also tossed old shrimp and they loved that. And Kevin and I saw a couple chickens fight over a toad that entered the chicken yard. Yes, my chickens are meat eaters.

Egg update - we bought wood eggs to try and get the chickens to quick eating their own eggs. It isn't working. They are still eating them and now one of them has returned to her brooding habits (that's where she sits in the nesting box all day trying to hatch the egg). Maybe it just takes time and they'll stop soon.

1 comment:

The Fredericks said...

Chickens are gross- the end- any love I had for them died in Dominica!