What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

This is what stools are really made for.

I don't think she figured this out on her own. I actually think her older siblings conned her into getting in so they could push her around. But once she figured out she could climb in, she would do it all by herself and just sit in it. It was just too cute.

She has also learned to point at people and things.

It all seemed very familiar to me... and this is why.
Here is Xiomara doing the same thing at the very same age. So funny!


Jessie said...

i love that you have the old picture of xiomara doing it too. cute! :)

The Fredericks said...

oh yay! that is adorable-- I love flashback pics-- I just took one yesterday that I know I have of Ems somewhere-- they are both darling@

Josh said...

Upcoming blog idea for me inspired by your blog:
What is up with the pointing?
Myra (my 14 month old) is pointing at everything and nothing all the time now. What's up with that?! It is cute though! :)