What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Busy little guys

The other day I decided to get some random pictures of my kids, just so I would have a record of the kinds of things they do as kids. Here they are...

Ben building with legos. He took two of his military things apart to build his own bomber airplane.

The girls playing with Kemiah's doll house and other random toys.

Marissa practicing piano. Some day (maybe) we can afford to have it tuned.

Domonique sleeping with her pacifier and new little buddy. He stays in bed and she loves to hold him when I put her down.

1 comment:

Josh said...

Random pictures are so much better than staged ones. They show life as it really is (was) at that moment! Thanks for sharing!