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You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Cooking with Jacquelle

Not that I'll ever have my own TV show (nor do I ever want one) but I thought I'd share a couple meals I made recently.

My kids are so tired of sandwiches I can't find words to describe it. I came up with this new idea and it worked great. I made four different kinds of sandwiches - ham and cheese; peanut butter and grape jelly; pb and strawberry jam; pb and honey. Then I cut them all into quarters. I put one quarter of each sandwich on the kids plates... so they each received 4 different quarters. Ben and Marissa traded one quarter but the other kids were more than happy to eat all their quarters. It was so fun! (Kemiah and I ate leftover soup because I needed that to get eaten and it's her favorite food.)

For dinner tonight I made pancakes. I started out with just cherry pie filling as the topping for our pancakes. Then I added almond extract to the batter, as well as shredded coconut. Ben asked if I could make chocolate chip smiley faces on the pancakes. So we had almond-coconut-chocolate-cherry pancakes. They were delicious! I mean really, how could you go wrong with so many yummy flavors all together?!

Like I said, I won't have a show but we are enjoying life as we eat!

1 comment:

Jessie said...

oh, 4 different sandwiches... that's a good idea. i will have to try that one out.