What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Can I can?

We were very excited about the garden and all the produce it was growing. We bought a pressure canner and jars and lids and we thought we were ready. Kevin started picking corn and he just kept right on picking. The kids kept bringing in bags full of ears and then took more empty bags out to the garden. I finally went out and said no more!

Our new neighbor's daughter-in-law was visiting and came over to see what her girls were doing (they were playing with my kids) and she volunteered to help out. Everyone helped take the husks off the corn. I blanched them, she cut the corn off the cobs, and Kevin packed it into the jars. We pressure cooked them and it was pretty easy with all that help.

We ate some with dinner and it tasted yucky. Unfortunately, we picked the corn too late. Fortunately, the chickens don't care and they actually love it so I guess we canned some winter food for the chickens. At least it won't be wasted. We are moving on to tomatoes and salsa. Good luck to us!

This is often where Kemiah ends up when I'm in the kitchen. She likes to be with me, or at least near me.

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