What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Imagine that!

We went to the library today, for story time. Ben and Kemiah were working on school stuff so I would go back and froth from the story time room to their table to check on them. After Mrs. Cindy read two books about frogs, she started the craft. While the little kids were working on their big mouth frogs I went to check on Ben and Kemiah. Ben asked what they were doing so I told him they were making big mouth frogs. He said, "Did she read the story about the frog who swallowed all the water?" I smiled and said, "Actually, yes. She read that one." Then he continued and said, "Yeah, then the eels make him laugh so he spills all the water back out." Yes, that's exactly what happened! I just thought it was amazing that he could remember that story and he would think of it because the topic was frogs. He said, "I really like that one." When Mrs. Cindy passed by the table I stopped her to tell her that he remembered that story. He started laughing as we talked about it and said again that he really liked that story. I was still amazed that he remembered it so well. I guess you remember things that leave an impression and that book left an impression on him so he will probably always remember the biggest frog in Australia!

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