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Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

First time at Soccer Camp

We heard of a soccer camp put on by a local church and I decided to sign the girls up. They were so excited! They got t-shirts and balls! It was fun to watch them and see their different personalities.

Tuesday was the first day. Some of our friends had been at our house playing with us so we took them with us. They hung out until their aunt came to get them. Then it was just me with my two oldest and youngest, sitting around.

Then Henry showed up! He is Domonique's age and we have figured they can go ahead and get married when they grow up. His parents are awesome so it would be okay with me.




Domonique was having a hard time. She didn't want to do it, but I knew she would have a good time. I chatted with her for a while and she was crying and just sure she wanted to sit with me. I had her sit down and wait for a bit, while I went to take pictures of Emily and Xiomara.

Emily and Xiomara waiting for instructions.

Getting to work.

I came back and talked Domonique into going with one of her coaches to play a game and then if she didn't want to do it she could come sit with me.

 Naomi slept through some of it. That was nice, and it was even nicer that Henry's mom watched her for me.

Domonique stuck it out and went with her group.

Harmonie ended up with a bloody nose. Not exactly sure how it happened but it was taken care of and she kept on going.

Kemiah was in her own group.

Xiomara and Emily were in the same group.

Domonique trying to figure out why the boy wanted to pour water on his head.

Marissa blocked the sun.

And then didn't block the sun.

Ben, Naomi and I stayed in the shade.

Camdilyn played on the playground.

Then Ben decided to get buried in the gravel.

They all enjoyed the freezer pops afterwards.

Where'd he go?

He was filthy dirty when he got out.
I won't even start to think about what is in the gravel.

I think it was a very successful first day at soccer camp. Not sure how much they learned but it was a great experience. They met new people, made friends, shared, played, cooperated and challenged themselves to overcome their fear. Hooray!

The second day was cancelled due to weather. My kids were so sad!

The third day was just as fun. They did different drills and just played again. I didn't really follow them around this time so I don't really know what they did. After the camp, there were free snacks and a concert of some religious group. The kids enjoyed eating and listening and running around. Over all a great experience so I hope I remember to do it again next year - especially since it was free!

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