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Friday, July 1, 2016

Oh the road again!

It would seem that we are meant to have trouble on long trips. As we were driving from the family reunion, we noticed a noise getting louder and then a stinky smell. We stopped and tried to figure out what it was but didn't know what it was. Kevin tried to go farther, at least to the next exit, but the noise and smell got worse so we were stopped on the side of the interstate. Fortunately, our insurance company has roadside assistance and they were able to help us. The next town had a big van service so they came and picked me and the kids up. Kevin waited for the tow truck to take him to the auto mechanic in town. 

The kids were very excited about riding in the bus.

The bus took us to the McDonald's in town so we could be comfortable and have a place for the kids to play. we ate our snacks and watched TV or read books. We got there around 12 and Kevin came to pick us up with a fix Harvey at 5:40. It was the water pump but everything got fixed and we were on our way again - only 6 and a half hours behind schedule.

We did buy dinner and everyone enjoyed that! I was just grateful for all the tender mercies the Lord sent us through the trial. We are getting better at handling these automotive issues - we take a deep breath and press forward.

Recap of past issues:
1. On our way out to Colorado in 2013 we lost a tire - it just rolled off the car and down the interstate. The Lord sent a kind man who brought back our tire, and another kind man who helped us get it back onto the car. 2 hour delay in our travels.
2. On our way to home from Utah in 2015 our alternator died and we had issues with our electronics. The Lord helped us find a shop and they worked diligently to get a new alternator installed so we could get on our way - even though it was closing time.
3. On our way to Massachusetts in 2015 our tire blew. Kevin was able to put on the spare (which was ready to fall apart, too) while I walked with the kids to the rest stop just ahead of us so we could get out of the heat. We made it to the next exit to the Firestone - holiday weekend and they changed all four tires and "fixed" leaking hoses.
4. Our water pump went out and the Lord provided for us. What great opportunities to see the Lord's hand in our lives and learn and gain strength from Him.

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