What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Mess Maker's Heaven

MICA Maker Day was our latest field trip. We drove down to Okemos, MI  on Thursday (1/30) so my kids could be crafty. I'm glad we went because they did things we will NEVER do. I forgot my real camera and didn't think about my iPod until halfway through the event. Unfortunately, it only has one camera so it was a little tricky getting the shots to look right. Anyway, the kids had a great time and made lots of fun things.
The messiest station was the shaving cream, dye and paper station. You put shaving cream in a pan, then sprayed dye, then swirled it. Then you put a piece of paper on top, pulled it off and went to the other table to scrape the shaving cream off. It left behind a really neat marbled pattern. Coolest thing ever, but I'm not sure I will ever do it on my own - what a mess, and our hands came home stained.

They all enjoyed embossing and making cards. All I could see was a huge mess with the glitter. (You can see Kemiah's stained hands from the shaving cream craft.) Anyone who knows me really well knows that I truly detest glitter of any type. I controlled myself and the kids had a great time watching the magic of melting the glitter to their paper.

The girls learned to sewing with metallic thread so that they could light up a light bulb. It was fun to see them get so excited when the light lit up.

Poor Harmonie spent most of her time tied in the stroller, but I did sit by her and fed her and even gave her water (which she spilled down the front of her twice). And I changed her diaper, too!
Camdilyn spent most of her time in the stroller or being fed. Lucky baby. She was awake a lot of the time but did take a nap at least once. I even changed her diaper a couple times!

What a sweetie!

There were several other stations that I didn't get pictures of: paper bracelet, decorating a notebook cover, daily planner sort of thing, finger crocheting, and making a picture of a robot that used a battery and a light bulb and electric paint to connect it. Ben is the only one who did the robot one and it didn't work very well. Anyway, it was fun for the kids to be around other kids and some of their teachers and to be messy and creative all at the same time. Domonique isn't in any of the pictures but she was there, sticking by me most of the time but eventually she was brave enough to wander around to see what the guys were doing. She made her way over to a teacher who was doing a type of glue/glitter tattoo and she ended up with four of them on her arms. She was delighted to take part in some small way. We didn't have any accidents, outbursts, or vomiting so I figure it was a total success!

1 comment:

Josh and Kelly said...

I love your standard of success, I am going to adopt that one for myself!! But really, I am totally impressed that you oversaw all the big ones with three little ones hanging next to you! And I get the birthday thing, Sadie is only our third and I still feel that way. When they are small they really don't care, they just like unwrapping and the celebration! Maybe spend the money to go out and do a fun activity instead.