What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


The last weeks are so hard. 9 days until the due date... Will she come early? Will she come late? It's hard to believe this is the 8th time I'm doing this and I still get so impatient. And yet, life will be so different once she's here, I'm not sure I'm ready. I have lots of things to keep me busy and I probably wouldn't think so much about it, except that she has run out of room so any movement is obvious, and my aches are ever present.

Think positive. It's usually fun to feel her move around, and having the other kids share is awesome. We have picked a name so we all know what to call her. I am still able to get around, do all the things I need to do, and things I want to do. I'm healthy and I haven't fallen down the stairs so, really, things are just fine.


Kammerman Family said...

I am so glad to hear you are still doing so well! You are superwoman! Wish I could come teach your kids and clean your house and make you dinner and pack your bag for the hospital so you could just relax! I guess a prayer for you and a hug miles and miles away will have to do!

Jessie said...

Congrats on being almost done! Those last days are the worst as far as patience goes for me too! Good luck. Baby will be here soon. I guess right on her due date. :)