What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

First bath

A new policy at the hospital is that they wait 12 hours to bathe the newborns. I guess that wouldn't be a big deal except that no one attempted to bathe my baby after 12 hours. When I did ask about it, it took another hour or so before the nurse came. Then she turned up the temp in the room so the baby wouldn't get so chilly. Then she didn't come back. I called for the nurse again when I started to sweat. I almost did it myself.
Anyway, it was eventually time for the bath. Camdilyn was less than thrilled.

Time to wash the hair in the bathroom sink. She actually seemed to like this part.

All clean. I love her dark hair all fuzzy and so soft!
Happy baby and happy Mom!

1 comment:

The Fredericks said...

so pretty! and no thank you about the waiting forever.