What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Answered Prayer

Ben was done with school early so he went outside to shoot his bow and arrows. He shoots at a cardboard box that he drew a target on. Usually it is facing our neighbors yard, open grass. Today, he had it facing the garden. One arrow hit the top of the box and flew over the garden (which is now filled with weeds almost as tall as me). He came inside and asked if I could help him look for it. I finished what I was doing and headed outside. When he told me what happened I was surprised and anxious because I thought there was no way we would be able to find the arrow - he wasn't sure exactly which direction it went. The farmer's soybeans, which are planted in the field behind our garden, are almost waist high to me. I walked to the edge and wondered how we were going to find this one, thin arrow. I said out loud, "Okay, Heavenly Father. Please help us find this arrow." I took a step into the beans, pushing them gently apart so I could see to the ground. Nothing. I took another step farther in and looked to my right as I spread the bean plants apart. There was the red arrow! I held it up for Ben to see and told him that I had just asked Heavenly Father to help and here it was. We agreed that we should thank him so we bowed our heads and I offered a prayer of thanks. What a little thing but it truly was amazing.


Jessie said...

answered prayers are always good to recognize, big or little. :)

Josh said...

Good job mom! These little moments of teaching are all around us if we just look for them. Thanks for sharing too!