What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Temple Trip for the Youth

This is some of the fun the kids had before lunch...

After lunch, the older cousins and their parents and Gaffa went to the Nauvoo Temple to do baptisms for the dead. I am so excited for Ben to be able to go next year. Grammy, Caden, and I stayed with all the younger kids at Grammy's house to watch a movie while we waited for the others.

We had a cookout in the backyard and except for the humidity and bugs it was rather nice. Hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, soda pop, fresh pineapple, baked beans, and so forth.

The only sister and her family who couldn't make it live out in California. They joined us for a time through my younger sister's phone. Technology is amazing. Everyone got to say hello, see more family, and feel connected. It was really fun.

The dessert was a hit - three different types of rice crispie treats (one with a chocolate layer on top that Harmonie managed to get all over her hand and face). I liked the oreo cookie one best.

What a great day! (Let's face it, they were all pretty great!)

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