What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Look who turned 7!

She decided on chocolate ice cream to go with her pancakes for breakfast. She helped make the pancakes - which seems to be a new favorite thing with all the kids on their birthdays. I made her the heart pancake on her plate. She just had lots of fun.

She chose to make her cake with me this year. After discussing many different options she ended up choosing a chocolate pie (a recipe we got from Grandpa Nichols, so she could have asked him to make it but we had fun making it together). It is such an easy pie to make, and I did it the right way this time so it turned out perfectly, and she was delighted to help so much. She had a bit of trouble blowing out the candles.

The card from my parents came after breakfast so she just opened it with presents.

When I asked her for a list of gift ideas for Grandma and Grandpa Nichols she came up with some random stuff. I let them know that she just pulled it off the top of her head and she'd really be happy with whatever. They got her some marbles, with a shooter marble, which was one of the things she asked for. They also got her a Friends Lego set. It will go nicely with the tub of Legos we gave her.

Domonique wanted more presents.

We found Emily's watch that we lost and already replaced so Emily decided to give the old one to Xiomara. She loves it. I attached new velcro and adjusted the strap so it fits her arm better. She finds all sorts of reasons to time herself.

In all she received: Magic Tree House #26 & 28 (the store didn't have 27); washable markers; paint your own piggy bank; Herbie movies; The Work and the Glory #6 (Kevin reads those to the kids); bucket of Legos; yellow and maroon scarf from Kevin; colored pictures from Kemiah; watch from Emily; clay bowl and necklace from Marissa (Ben helped make the wrapping for it); marbles and Friends Legos from Grandpa and Grandma Nichols, as well as $7 in the card they gave her. I'd say she made out big time!

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