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Monday, January 21, 2013

Just when you think you've made it...

More kids turn up sick. I know it's just that time of year, and really we probably pass around sickness all year long. And I have absolutely no right to complain about any of this because it has really been pretty mild, compared to what it could have been. We've just had fevers, coughs, headaches, sore throats, whole body itchy rash (for one poor child), and today Domonique threw up in her bed during her nap. Instead of coming to get me she just moved to the end of her bed and went back to sleep. Poor thing. They are all tucked in for the night and hopefully they'll sleep well so their bodies can keep fighting whatever sickness it is they are dealing with. Kevin and I got a little something as well, but it passed quickly. It's just so hard to watch the little kids lay around all day because they don't have the energy, strength, or desire to do anything else. Maybe I need to feed them more ice cream!

1 comment:

Jeni said...

Poor kiddos. sickness is no fun. You would think it would be better in AZ in the winter because you get to be outside more but we've had the awful flu bug going around here too. I just keep praying that my kids don't bring it home! :) Hope you all feel better soon!