What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Serious Legos

For Christmas, each of the 5 older kids got a Lego set that is pretty serious stuff. With each set, you can build two things, with special pieces, gears, and all that stuff. I was surprised when Kemiah opened hers up, all on her own, and started putting it together. It's a FANTASTIC thing that all the instructions are pictures and no words! She did a really great job building the plane.

It was great!

A few days ago, she took the plane apart to build the hovercraft, but she never got around to it. So,today she wanted to put it together. She probably could have done it all by herself but she asked me to help. I should have kept my hands out, and I did most of the time, so she could do it all by herself. She is so proud of the hovercraft...

The gears all line up so that when you roll it on the ground, the blades rotate in the back. The oooing and awing from her brother probably helped increase her love for this one! It was fun to watch her and spend time with her as she put this together. Thanks for letting me be with you!

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