What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

This is what school looks like.

At least for us. We moved the school room upstairs and moved the guest room downstairs. It seems to be working out just fine. Poor Kemiah has not quite adjusted to playing by herself - the baby takes a nap during school. Some times she just sits outside the doorway with a doll and watches. Anyway, each of the kids has their own desk and the room is always bright with the huge south facing window letting in all the sunshine (the shade is usually up).

The kids are doing great with the work on the computer, as well. Kemiah likes to listen as they do their Spanish (maybe she'll pick up the vocablary, too).

Domonique enjoys sitting at the desks and has figured out how to climb into the seat all on her own.


Jeni said...

I love it! I keep thinking we need to rearrange rooms to make a school room but I'm having a hard time doing that right now!!!

Josh said...

What a cute little school area! And your "baby" looks ready to learn! :)