What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Lost post

Just found this and wonder why it was never posted. It's from December 1, 2010, almost a year ago. I'm so glad I wrote this down because I had totally forgotten about this.

Sitting with Ben this afternoon, he starts the converstaion with this:

"Mom, wouldn't it be funny if I had a maple farm when I'm in the air force. Then I can have a job while I wait for the sap. Then when it's time to get the sap I can ask all my air force friends to help me. I'll have a three story house and do you know what I'll have on the roof? A helicopter and a hanger. So in the summer the helicopter can be out but in the winter I can put it in the hanger, but I'll still use it."

Unfortuanately that's not a direct quote so that's not quite as wonderfully amusing as it was when he said it to me. I just had to put it down somewhere so I didn't forget it. He's always coming up with these kind of ideas. At least I know he won't be a lazy bum when he grows up because he's always coming up with something to do when he grows up.


Nick and Jesse Coleman said...

That's awesome! Keep dreaming big, Ben!

Josh said...

That kid is going places! And not just to the trees for some sap! :)