What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A baby shower!

I wish I had taken my camera to my shower last night. Yes, my ward sisters threw me a baby shower for baby #6. We had such a fun time! At least I did and everyone else seemed to have a good time so that's all that matters. Domonique got some really cute clothes so she won't have to wear all hand-me-downs. I was excited about the hooded towel because all my other kids have one but I didn't have one for her, so now I do! There were several handmade gifts from some very talented women. I also received lots of diapers and wipes which helps out a lot because I'm always changing her diaper. While I opened gifts, the person who's gift I was opening had to ask me a question about me, my family or anything else the giver wanted to ask. It was a fun way to share myself with my new ward family. I guess I'm not really new anymore, but I've been in Primary since February so there are some people's names I don't know, and they don't know me. We worked on solving that problem last night. I really appreciate all their love and kindness and generosity. Thank you!

1 comment:

The Fredericks said...

yay! I am so happy= I think EVERY kid should get a shower- ESPECIALLY after island living. hooray!