What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Where are you from?

It's sort of a hard question for me to answer and it seems to be the first question people have been asking me a lot recently. I haven't figured out what is the best answer. Most recently we came from the island of Dominica, but that's not where I'm from. Before that we lived in Alaska, but that's not where I'm from either. Before that we spent time in Florida and years in Mississippi. But I'm not from there either. I'm from Colorado! But I haven't lived there for 11 years so I don't really feel like I can say that either. I could say I was a military spouse, but I'm not any more so that would take explaining as well. I got excited when someone at Church asked, "Where are you from, originally?" YES! I can answer that - COLORADO! Of course, I don't have any family there anymore - although, my brother and his family did just move back so maybe that counts. I'm excited for the time when I'm no longer considered new to the area and I can say, "I'm from Saginaw." Although, that won't quite be right either. Oh well.


Jeni said...

You certainly have been on the move for a while! You could always say I'm from all over! :)

Jessie said...

that is SO funny. i am a wisconsin (original), then colorado, then arizona, then dominica, then arizona again, and soon back to dominica... :)