What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Our fabulous Xiomara!

This little one turned 4 yesterday and I'm finally going to post about it! She's full of life and spunk and love. She has the only other set of blue eyes in the family and they are the big, round set, which are a bit different than the other kids. She was so excited to turn 4 - one perk was that she now gets her very own vitamin, no longer having to split it with Kemiah. So here are some of the things we did on her day...

I handed out the birthday balloons before breakfast. The crown she is wearing came from her Sunbeam teacher at Church on Sunday.

Then we sat down to enjoy our old birthday breakfast tradition, with a twist. Instead of having vanilla ice cream, we let her pick. She chose strawberry (you know, the pink ice cream). I had my doubts but it was actually delicious. She also opened her birthday card that Grammy and Gaffa sent her. Marissa read it to her.

We went to the library for a playgroup and it turned out to be really fun. They had a bunch of different stations in a conference room so the kids were able to play with whatever they wanted. It was for kids ages 1-3 but I had talked to the librarians and she said it would be fine if I brought my older kids, as long as they weren't disruptive. It went fine and it was fun to just sit and watch my kids play - they didn't need me and they didn't argue.

Here she is sitting in the middle while the librarian read a story.

Here she is playing with the kitchen stuff. It was a popular place.

We stopped by Wal-Mart for a few things (mainly bags to put her presents in because I didn't have anything) but I didn't take a picture of that. I also stopped to get gas but I didn't take a picture there either.
We went home and had lunch - small shell pasta and cheese! Yummy. Then she helped me make her cake - strawberry (pink) cake with strawberry (pink) frosting. I am not very good but she said, "It looks good to me." That's all that matters. For dinner we enjoyed taco salad! Delicious. She did a great job on selecting the menu, with a little help from me.

We sent them to go read books after dinner was done so we could clean up a bit and get ready. She was very excited and kept telling the guys, "I get to open the presents and you can watch." I finally called them back and she was the first one to the table. We all sang to her, listened to the song Memere sent in an email, and she blew out the candles. Then it was time for presents. We didn't have very many but that's not what it's all about anyway. When she was done she said, "Now it's time for cake!" I told her we could all just go to bed because we were too full from dinner. She smiled and said a very happy, "NO." I guess she knew I was kidding. We all enjoyed the abundance of pink for dessert!

It was a great day and we are so glad to have Xiomara in our family. She is so smart and loves to help others. She is a great little girl, getting so big! We love you!


J.B. said...

The cake looks good to me, too. Happy Birthday, Xiomara!

Jenifer said...

Happy Birthday Xiomara!!!

Jessie said...

happy birthday xiomara!!! we miss you and are so happy to see you having a good time for your birthday! :) (i like the pink ice cream too) :)

Chelsie said...

When I read that someone turned 4, I couldn't think of who it would be! In my head Emily is 4 and Xiomara will forever be 2! She is so cute though, happy birthday Xiomara!!