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Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Our house, is a very fine house.

Here are some pictures to prove it. I took these a while ago but it has just taken me a while to get it all organized and ready to post. I know, there's not much to it but it took a long time to download all the pictures. Anyway, the only thing that is really missing are all the really neat icicles that are now hanging off the roof. You'll just have to add them in your imagination.

Here's the front door.

That white addition in the back is the laundry and furnace room.

Interior of the laundry room. I know, exciting stuff. Just so you know, that box is no longer there.

Looking into the dining room/kitchen from the laundry room. There are two steps up here.

From the same doorway looking to the right. You can see the bathroom doorway to the right of the table and a little storage room doorway to the left of the table. And that's cute Kemiah with her doll, Logan.

Looking down the short hallway to the living room. The front door is in front of you and the playroom door is the wood frame on the wall to the left.

Here's inside the playroom. The closet is full of toys and games. They have a table to draw at and a couch to sit on because it won't fit well in the living room.

View of the living room from the playroom. You can see the stairway that leads up to the other bedrooms.

Looking up the stairs. The bathroom is right at the top of the stairs. One bedroom is on either side. Nice set up really, but the stairs are a little different.

Kids room and bathroom. See the tiny mirror on the bathroom wall? I laughed when I first saw it but it does the job.

Our bedroom - with my workout center and Kevin's study center. We were mostly excited about how big the room is so we could fit our bed and all this other stuff in the same room. Yippee!

We brought the kids quad-bunk beds that Kevin made in Alaska. We had all the screws, boards, mattresses and sheets. The one thing we forgot was the drill gun! UGH! Kevin got a few screws in by hand and I got one in half way but gave up. Kevin went and bought a drill so we could put the beds together. What a bother - when we have at least 3 in MA! At least the kids have somewhere awesome to sleep (rather than having their mattresses all on the floor).

Oh, and sweet Kemiah is in the port-a-crib in the same room. She still fits and it will work until later and we have to move Ben to something else and then she'll go to the bunk bed. We did bring a crib but can't find the screws. Oh bother. That will become more important as we get closer to the arrival of the new baby, but we have time.


Jeni said...

Oh I absolutely love the bunkbeds!!! how totally creative! I could use a set like that! Are they twin mattresses or smaller? Ok, not like you're close enough to make us one anyway but they are awesome!

The Fredericks said...

oh! it is cute! but-smaller than your Dominican house- how funny is that?!

Nick and Jesse Coleman said...

I like your house! Carpet and normal couches look so nice! I hope you are loving the new place you call "home" :)

Josh and Kelly said...

A real house! How exciting! So odd still to picture your kids playing in snow and not in keens.