What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Visit to Old Nauvoo

What better way to spend the day than walking around Old Nauvoo together. We changed our clothes after the baptism, had some lunch and headed off to Nauvoo. We loved seeing all the sites again - hoping the older kids would remember and the younger ones would learn. 

We learned about making wagons...

and the blacksmith made a horseshoe.

Sweet little cows!

Visits to different homes.

Love this family of mine!

Young performers make the visit so fun!

Harmonie keeps telling us she wants to play the tuba,
and was so excited to see one!

These kids know how things work and
they know how to work!

Pioneer past times is always a favorite stop!

Of course, we had to stop at the Family Living Center, 
for bread and other activities.

The beautiful temple on the hill!

It was Pageant time so we were able to enjoy all those activities as well.

They were used to this - from their Trek experience.

Even some coloring - what sweet kids!

Potato sack races - the other pictures were very blurry.
She just had to finish.

We enjoyed the play about the building of up of Nauvoo. It was too dark or pictures but we enjoyed it. We had dinner before the pageant at a little place in town, so at least we were starving. It was a long afternoon/night but so much fun!

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