What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Loads of learning and hands on stuff

Today we went to the Museum of Science in Boston with Memere and Uncle Chris. It was a little crazy driving in Boston - to much city and people for me - but we made it just fine. There are three wings and we saw most of them. One was closed but we still found loads of things to see and do and learned a lot. I didn't think it would take all day but we were there until they closed (at 5) so we had one tired bunch of kids.
Fresh and ready to start our learning adventure.

Real hands on building and experimenting
with satellite designs.

Floating in the zone!

Way to go Xiomara!



Fun with lights.

How high can you jump?

Love this one!
They had all sorts of listening devices and 
she finally figured out what they did.
It was so funny to watch her listening!

Presentation on four topics.
This is where the kids learned about the Cassini satellite
that went out to Saturn.
They also learned that it was scheduled to "crash"
(so that was a big topic for the next several weeks).

It was on our way home that Kevin noticed out odometer. So at just the right time he pulled over to the side of the highway to get a picture of it: 123456! Wont' see that ever again!

Since we wouldn't be home until late, we decided to stop off at Olive Garden in Taunton for some yummy dinner! What a wonderful idea and delicious leftovers. Thank you for the wonderful day, Memere.

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