What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Two more stops on our way home.

Before we left Pennsylvania, we stopped at two more places. First, was George's Furniture in the village of Maytown in Lancaster County. It was incredible. They took us in to the workshop and it was just impressive. One worker picks a piece and builds the entire thing. They have such talent and craftsmanship! I would love any piece from their shop! The rocking chairs are incredible, and untippable be George tipped in one when he was a kid and figured out a way to keep that from happening. Everything was so beautiful and solid wood!

The kids spotted this spider web touched with dew as we got out of the car.

All sorts of sizes in the rocking chairs.
They were amazing!

The next stop was in Hershey, PA to see the Hershey factory. Their free tour is a little ride that takes you through the process of making chocolate. I wanted to see how they made specific candies but  they didn't show that. I guess, maybe, you see that on the things you pay for - like making your own candy bar, or all the other things that they have available that we thought about but decided we just couldn't spend that much money. It was fun to walk through the sales area where they had so many options to pick from. I didn't know they made that many varieties of Twizzlers, nor have I ever seen a 1 pound kiss or giant candy bars. They sold boxes of candies and I was so tempted to buy some - especially Take 5. Anyway, it was a fun, quick stop.

Beautiful flowers that they had outside.

We made our way from there to Punderson State Park in Ohio (yes, that's the same place we stayed at on our way out to Massachusetts). We liked it so much we went there again, and even stayed in the very same camp site. We enjoyed dinner and fire and then went to bed. It was a fun filled day and I'm still dreaming of solid wood furniture!

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