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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

What fun times!

We got out some toys that we don't play with very often and had a great time. I loved building the double marble track. Harmonie had fun dropping the marbles and watching them collect at the bottom. Kemiah made her own track, too.

Plastic tinker toys are pretty fun, too, and the kids have a great time making so many different things. Domonique calls this her painter, and she rolls the "paint" on everything.

Harmonie liked playing with the little people Kemiah made. Kemiah called them "new borns" because they were smaller than the people they usually make.

I can't remember what Kemiah called this one but she just had to have me take a picture. What a creative little kid she is.

Classic foam blocks... they have made so many different buildings and they are probably all different.

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