What have I done for someone today?
Have I done any good in the world today?
You will never regret a kind deed done to someone in need.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Thought this might happen one day.

I had some left overs that the kids weren't eating, so I took them out to the chickens. Since the weather has been nice they are out in the yard instead of staying in the house all day. The 6 or so that were out in the yard today were excited to have some new food. Due to my poor planning I had to make two trips out but oh well. After lunch, I was laying on the couch reading to Kemiah and Xiomara when the doorbell rang. It was our neighbor, James. He wanted to talk to me and I invited him in from my couch (my back hurts a lot now and it feels better when I lay down). He wanted to talk to me outside. Fine. I got up and went outside only to hear him sort of whisper, "You have a dead chicken." That has happened before but I was surprised because I had been out twice and there was no dead chicken. He said it was in the wading pool and talked like the chicken had been dead a while. Totally surprised me! Then he added the clincher... "There was a huge hawk pecking at it." Oh my. The hawk must have swooped into the yard and scared those poor chickens. There were black feathers all over and a poor dead chicken. I assured James that the hawk had just killed the chicken, and we both wondered why it didn't fly off with it. Anyway, we bagged up the dead chicken and I put the other chickens into the coop window in the garage. I wonder if they'll come out again tomorrow? Kevin and I talked about the hawks and wondered if they'd be able to get into the yard. I guess during the winter they'll take what they can find.

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